I've been preparing for life my entire life. Always recovering and moving on from the bad influences of my youth (namely familial narcissistic right wing fundamentalism), I continually work to improve my perception. Moving to the city in my mid-twenties helped a lot. It should've been sooner. This can only barely be seen in my work, which deals with abstract notions of connection, growth, and decay. But, it's not always connections, but often juxtapositions of growth, connection, and decay. I begin with fragments of my writings, thoughts, and diagrams mixed with ads and propaganda, to make word collages (legible and illegible), and proceed from there. I consider likely limitations of perception, and dream to go beyond them. I'm also interested in questions of how we see patterns between the political, personal, and speculative (what some might call spiritual), to create a viewpoint (or a feeling that we can understand reality), which is ultimately unattainable. I'm driven by an impossible goal, by the inherent desire of perceiving universal truth/worldview. I know it's ridiculous. I know I'll never get there, but I can't stop my mind from trying. I just want to get closer. Drawing from my writing, misconceptions, revelations, and speculations, I record struggles of an ever evolving thought process. My work is an expression of this journey.

Kurt Riebel

© 2004 copyright. KURT RIEBEL. All rights reserved.